Hi, I'm Mortimer.

About me

I fell in love with programming during my first year at the University of Huddersfield. Seeing others interested in the things I was creating motivated me to go from late-night coding to a full-time developer. I refined my programming skills in Paris with a year internship working on C++ applications as a Junior Programmer at IRCAM and GRM. I continued programming during my Masters working with boid simulations, flowfields, and 3D physics to create an ambisonic audio effects in Max4Live. I am currently working at Codethink as a Software Engineer.



Max for Live Device

Harp Max for Live device

Harp is a Max for Live MIDI Effect, that transforms the way notes are played. You can play a chord in one hand and use a dial or LFO in the other to sweep though the notes in as many octaves as you like! This makes you sound like a virtuoso on any MIDI instrument with no practice required!


MTools for Live

2019 - 2021
Spatial Audio Tools

MTools Max for Live devices

MTools for Live (MT4L) is a suite of ambisonic Max for Live devices created during my Masters. The tools enable the encoding and processing of 5th order ambisonic signals in Ableton Live. The tools focus on enabling rapid interaction with spatialisation with an emphasis on creativity, not utility.



2020 - 2021
Minecraft Mod

Mycelia Logo Mycelia Logo Mycelia Logo

Mycelia is an open-source forge based Minecraft mod for version 1.16.4. It adds a new dimension for faster travel, a new set of armour and a few other fun bits. It has been keeping me busy during the lockdown.


Procedural Adventures

2017 - 2018
C++ Procedural Video Game

Procedural Adventurers - World Select

Procedural Adventurers is a 2D platformer created with C++ and openframeworks, featuring procedural level creation, procedural graphics and a procedurally generated soundtrack.


Anton & Cherokees Ex-Silent Adventure

MaxMsp/JavaScript Video Game

Anton Cherokees Ex-Silent Adventure

Anton & Cherokees Ex-Silent Adventure is a 2D platformer I created in a few weeks in Max/MSP using javascript. The game features an original soundtrack composed by me.


See more on GitHub

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Let's Get In Touch!

Send me an email, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!
